
[Wave of the hand] "Eff-It, Pardon Them All."

    1. Now how did we get here?         A) JD Vance tells Donald Trump,              1) “Don't—                  a) Don't do this boss!                      (1) Don't release them all—                          (a) Not the most violent ones.                          (b) Not the ones that attack law enforcement!              2) We're the Republican Party—                  a) We're supposed to protect the blue!             3) Remember all those blue American flags?                 a) Protect the blue, yeah.            ...

"We'll Take a Look at Everything": D-Trump & Pardons



Conservatives now have irresponsible authority for every aspect of our lives This the worst thing that could happen to conservatives. Being in such power,  the power of life and death The GOP will shatter into factions Indeed, the GOP has already done so While drooling in anticipation The American people will suffer  from the fallout of GOP faction fights Sowing Death Destruction Misery Chaos Democrats have tried to prevent this horrific implosion Strove to demonstrate the responsible exercise of Power Authority The GOP will not go down alone Drowning in corruption Desperately trying to pretend All they are doing is Moral Righteous The GOP MAGA-Republicans will drag us all--ALL-- Down into the Hell of rapacious unfettered Capitalism Where everything--all-- Are for sale for the right price The price for so many of us will be our souls--our Our aspirations Our hopes Our dreams Our desires For a better world  

Thoughts for the Day 20240714

My political thoughts on Trump dodging a bullet People tell me to unplug; I did for two years: it was awful. People say "unplug!" Me: You want me be deaf, dumb and blind? I do not have political clout, nor legal networks, nor financial influence.  What I have is my Art-- and that will be enough.

Thoughts for the Day 20240305


Thoughts for the Day 20240304

Let's not mince words this terrible day:  the Supreme Court rolled out the red carpet for Donald Trump,  bowing and motioning him to walk into the Oval Office.  Never mind defending  the Constitution  our Democracy  other such Liberal ideals.  All hail Emperor Trump the First!

Thoughts for the Day 20240228

  Why we NEED to study History Historian Mary Beard contends that  Rome became a de facto empire due to territorial expansion too vast to be effectively governed by a democratic republic So the territorial empire created the first emperors to fill a political void IMO This is frightening  the USA is rapidly expanding its holdings  (military installations) satellite nations We cannot decide how to effectively administer them Could this be why we are facing the threat of Emperor Donald Trump I? IMO This upcoming election is not whether the USA will become an empire or a republic But rather what direction the Empire of the United States will take. Or to put it more bluntly: The 1% want their empire and will stop at nothing to get it. Prediction: Tyrant Trump will fail He insists on doing everything himself Nothing happens without Trump's approval. He will drown in the details.