Sunday, October 24, 2021

Orwell: "Peace is war." GOP: "War is (a) piece (of the action)."


Who will pay for the NECEC corridor?

When voting on the proposed NECEC corridor project, we need to ask simple questions: 

  1. How does CMP stand to profit from this project? 
    1. What if the profits don't go to Central Maine Power, but to its parent companies? 
  2. Suppose all the earnings go upwards, never to come back down: 
    1. How will CMP continue to maintain the NECEC corridor? 
      1. The burden of maintaining the NECEC corridor won't be absorbed by CMP—nor its parent corporations. 
        1. It will be transferred directly to the people of Maine, be it increasing the delivery fee, or raising the kilowatt hourly rates. 
    2. And what if there is a natural disaster, such as ice storms or wind storms, that damage the towers and high-tension lines; who will then pay for the repairs? 
      1. Again, the people of Maine. 
  3. We don't need this unwanted burden imposed on us with no hope of benefit. 
    1. Vote to ban the NECEC corridor.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

All else is window-dressing

Texas slut-shaming anti-choice law is a "castle defense" for the male penis; so people equipped with a phallus can kill people equipped with a uterus, and all else is window-dressing. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Copier Machine of the Past

 Why does living in the past always seem to involve guns firing, uniforms sparkling, foxholes manned, tanks rumbling past, military jets screaming overhead, huge factories churning, gigantic dams rushing water, limousine cars pulling up, and vast steam railroads chugging-chugging-chugging? All of this built/made by white people, with not a single non-white in sight, except to passively enjoy the benefits of being with white people?

The history of our past—everyone's past—is always rewritten. So the justifications for this historical revisionism are also in a constant state of rewrite to shore up and prop up the vast overarching conspiracy, the mythology, the Adam Smith collection of fairy tales, that all of our nation's greatness, our social progress, our cultural wealth was made by lily-white hands—only these hands, mouths, feet and brains belonging to white males with wives and children. Children raised to carry on this delusion, maintain and violently defend the lie. For without this lie, this everchanging, always adapting falsehood, they are nothing.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Re: Texas Anti-choice Vigilante Law

  •  Really sad to see males in public support women's rights, but privately vote for repressive politicians who ban a woman's right to choose, b/c "MY woman will never abort my child." 
    • The personal is political.
  • BTW: banning abortion does not solve anything, fixes nothing. 
    • This is not just Texas. 
      • Liberals are addressing a universal issue, a fundamental right to "my body, my choice."
  • We are seeing a vicious, cruel, unforgiving mythology at work, based on the Xian bible, 
    • a vile fantasy of Old Testament patriarchs in a modern american culture, 
      • where women exist only to make copies of men.
  • Love how faith that denying a portion of our population medical services based on gender won't boomerang on the rest of the population--
    • while this gives HMO's greater justification to deny medical services to us all for religious reasons.
  • Put more simply: 
    • fucking over women screws us all. 
      • Is this too existential for y'all?
  • Texas enslavement of women shows how conservatives place all things and everything above the rights of women. 
    • So who's next for enslavement?

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Shiny toys, public playgrounds, and child-emperor Trump.


CONSERVATIVES: Liberals took away all our toys!

DONALD TRUMP: Liberals took away all of your toys!


TRUMP: We need to take back all of our toys and punch Liberals in the snoot!!


TRUMP: This is our playground--not theirs!


TRUMP: You see those kids over there? The ones using that swing-set? That's OUR swing-set--not theirs!


TRUMP: Let's go over there and tell them about it!


(Conservative bully-boys with rocks, knives, and clubs form a mob and attack the children at the swing-set.)

(Children around the swing-set are injured, maimed and crippled--and suddenly it's not funny anymore.)

(TRUMP remains where he is, arms folded, sneering smirk on his face.)

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Yes, it's that simple...

  1. Who invaded the US State Capitol Building? 
    1. Lower-middle-class whites (mostly unemployed).
  2. If lower-middle-class (unemployed), how come they had so many guns? 
    1. Someone supplied them with the guns they couldn't afford.
  3. What were the goals for invading the US State Capitol Building? 
    1. To prevent the peaceful and legal transition of presidential power to the newly-elected Joe Biden.
      1. Thus retain multi-millionaire Donald Trump as President (for life?) of the USA. 
    2. Under the cover of the riot, insurgent sub-groups invaded the Capitol Building to find and kill Liberal political representatives.
  4. What made these lower-middle-class terrorists invade the State Capitol Building?
    1. Extensive and well-funded propaganda campaigns from wealthy political donors.
    2. Loosely organized but highly networked social media accounts to 
      1. make long-term plans 
      2. and coordinate the attack on the State Capitol Building.
    3. The rioters were ordered by their Dear Leader, President Donald Trump, to take over the State Capitol Building.
  5. How did the rioting insurgents get into the State Capitol Building?
    1. A token guardian force of lightly-armed Capitol Police Officers was overwhelmed by the huge mob of terrorists armed with clubs, knives, and guns.
    2. Larger guardian forces were prevented from responding by higher federal authorities overriding urgent deployment requests.
  6. Thus, without a doubt, we have Class Warfare, with
    1. lower-middle-class armed servitors, 
    2. trained and equipped by the wealthy upper-middle-class patrons, 
    3. who take their orders from an elite, wealthy (and insane) political leader--
    4. militia terrorists who are sheltered and protected from their consequences by their wealthy and powerful patrons--
    5. to overturn the results of a free and fair election by the American people.

Thoughts for the Day 20240304

Let's not mince words this terrible day:  the Supreme Court rolled out the red carpet for Donald Trump,  bowing and motioning him to wal...