Ms. Coulters Radioactive Pills: Good for both Man and Beast
A GLOWING REPORT ON RADIATION by Anne Coulter It may take a little explanation here to show just how bat-shit insane Ms. Coulter is, and how dangerous her "advice" is. She can cite studies all she wishes; she has no understanding of what radiation is, nor what the people of Japan are being exposed to. We're not dealing with just radiated energy from a source, like standing in front of an X-ray machine. The reason high levels of radiation are being measured in the air is due to airborne particles from steam vapor and smoke fumes. These microscopic particles settle over an area and increase the radiation exposure because the particles are radioactive due to their once being part of the nuclear fuel in the reactors. Even if they are washed away, they are still radioactive where ever they accumulate. The size of the tiny particles does not determine the level of radiation they emit. A smaller particle of plutonium can emit more radiation than a larger particle of cesiu...