From October 2010: Re-posted in support of Occupy Wall Street: 10 Rules For Radicals by Carl Malamud An address to the WWW2010 Conference Raleigh, North Carolina, April 30, 2010 Rule 1 : Call everything an experiment. Rule 2: When the starting gun goes off, run really fast. When the authorities finally fire that starting gun, run as fast as you can, so when they get that queasy feeling in their stomach and have second thoughts, it is too late to stop. As a small player, the elephant can step on you, but you can outrun the elephant. Rule 3: Eyeballs rule. If a million people use your service, and on the Internet you can do that, you've got a lot more credibility than if you're just issuing position papers and flaming the Man. Build up a user base, and you have much more leverage than if you're just blowing smoke. Rule 4: When the time comes, be nice. When you achieve your objective, don't be afraid to turn on a dime and be nice. Y...