
Showing posts from March, 2013

Palin's Teleprompter Joke

Hat tip to Wonkette

Finally placed register marks to class project

Finally fixed the registration problem with my 1-color band logo on a t-shirt. The design was at an odd angle, so I had to use "real-world" techniques to get it properly oriented. First I printed out the design and aligned on a shirt on our craft-room table. You can see I had the positive aligned at an angle to form an inverted cross made of musical instruments. I marked where the center line and collar line were on the positive. Then I scanned the marked-up positive as an image file (JPEG) using Irfanview. I imported the image file into InDesign (File > Place) and flipped it into position. I placed register markers for the center line and the collar line. Done! *Whew*

Art .. music ... literature ... stubbornness ... joy

Found this on my Facebook page. Re-posted it here so I can tweet it.

Day of the Modem

Wicked Gelato: Closing Day ... Karen shuts off the wireless modem--for the last time...

Homework! InDesign: Build a Calendar

Building a calendar using InDesign Table functions. (I cheated and used Step and Repeat for the small boxes.)