
Showing posts from September, 2021

Re: Texas Anti-choice Vigilante Law

 Really sad to see males in public support women's rights, but privately vote for repressive politicians who ban a woman's right to choose, b/c "MY woman will never abort my child."  The personal is political. BTW: banning abortion does not solve anything, fixes nothing.  This is not just Texas.  Liberals are addressing a universal issue, a fundamental right to "my body, my choice." We are seeing a vicious, cruel, unforgiving mythology at work, based on the Xian bible,  a vile fantasy of Old Testament patriarchs in a modern american culture,  where women exist only to make copies of men. Love how faith that denying a portion of our population medical services based on gender won't boomerang on the rest of the population-- while this gives HMO's greater justification to deny medical services to us all for religious reasons. Put more simply:  fucking over women screws us all.  Is this too existential for y'all? Texas enslavement of women shows how ...