Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg conspiracy theories debunked
The exhaustive conspiracy theories about Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg, explained and debunked by Newsweek Adapted by Daffyd ap Morgen The entire Hogg family is connected to the CIA, FBI and CNN Like many conspiracy theories, these likely started with a tiny kernel of truth: Hogg’s father is a retired FBI agent-information that the teen volunteered offhand during a television interview. Hogg or his mother is a CNN VIP who is "pimping" her son This developed after a photo surfaced of Hogg and his sister, Lauren, touring the studios as children. According to Snopes, the family was actually on a $35 VIP tour. Rebecca Boldrick, the mother of the Hogg siblings, works as a school teacher, which the Broward County School confirmed. Hogg didn’t attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School A picture from a different yearbook with another student named David Hogg is used, Others circulate a mugshot from a 26-year-old California man named David Hog...