Why does living in the past always seem to involve guns firing, uniforms sparkling, foxholes manned, tanks rumbling past, military jets screaming overhead, huge factories churning, gigantic dams rushing water, limousine cars pulling up, and vast steam railroads chugging-chugging-chugging? All of this built/made by white people, with not a single non-white in sight, except to passively enjoy the benefits of being with white people? The history of our past—everyone's past—is always rewritten. So the justifications for this historical revisionism are also in a constant state of rewrite to shore up and prop up the vast overarching conspiracy, the mythology, the Adam Smith collection of fairy tales, that all of our nation's greatness, our social progress, our cultural wealth was made by lily-white hands—only these hands, mouths, feet and brains belonging to white males with wives and children. Children raised to carry on this delusion, maintain and violently defend the lie. For wit...