Shiny toys, public playgrounds, and child-emperor Trump.
CONSERVATIVES: Liberals took away all our toys! DONALD TRUMP: Liberals took away all of your toys! CONSERVATIVES: YAY TRUMP! TRUMP: We need to take back all of our toys and punch Liberals in the snoot!! CONSERVATIVES: PUNCH LIBERALS! TRUMP: This is our playground--not theirs! CONSERVATIVES: OUR PLAYGROUND! TRUMP: You see those kids over there? The ones using that swing-set? That's OUR swing-set--not theirs! CONSERVATIVES: OUR SWINGSET! OUR TOYS! TRUMP: Let's go over there and tell them about it! CONSERVATIVES: OUR SWINGSET! OUR TOYS! OUR SWINGSET! OUR TOYS! (Conservative bully-boys with rocks, knives, and clubs form a mob and attack the children at the swing-set.) (Children around the swing-set are injured, maimed and crippled--and suddenly it's not funny anymore.) (TRUMP remains where he is, arms folded, sneering smirk on his face.)