
Showing posts from 2023

Thoughts for the Day 20231118

 So, in essence, most Republicans despise Donald Trump but will still do everything they can to get him elected President-- just to own the Libs That's it that's what this is all about And while the body count rises and all of us are enslaved and women are turned into breeding animals-- all to satisfy these schoolyard bullies who have money to burn just to own the Libs

Thoughts for the Day 20231116

If AR-15s all disappear: Do pro-gun arguments collapse like a house of cards? Interesting how so many people like Alex Hailey's novel Roots ,  but they don't like the factual 1619 Project .  This is why we need to teach History. I love how middle-aged cis white males  can sit in a local diner in an almost all-white community  grousing how there is no freedom of speech anymore. The reason Conservatives need billionaire donors  is maintaining the Big Lie is  very expensive and  consumes vast resources of  time,  labor, and  money. The core tenet of GOP populism Heterosexual white males must make more heterosexual white males  by any means possible. "Give me white dick or give me death." Amusing: All these militia types Wear woodland camouflage in urban environments in order to hide from themselves from each other from they have done.

Thoughts for the Day 20231015

Love how the Transhumanist movement was all about reshaping the human body; but then people started reshaping their genitals and the "forward-thinking" TH's were like, "Noping outta here...!" Identity is WAY more important than conservatives pretend it isn't. GOP policies don't have to work: they just have to oppress non-whites and make the GOP rich in the process. Hasn't anyone noticed racist policies help make conservatives wealthy?

Thoughts for the Day 20231008

Hasn't it occured to the news media that no matter who the GOP elects as House Speaker, it won't matter, as the 1% control the Conservatives? It's going to be really interesting to see history repeat itself as most of the nations on Earth band together to stop the N.A.Z.I. menace of the former United States of America.

Thoughts for the Day 20230129

It's amazing how all these billionaires  selflessly volunteer to be the new Donald Trump/ Our nation is truly cursed to have them. By the way, do we call Elon Musk "Donald Musk," or "Elon Trump"? The dream of the GOP is to restore slavery, the "final solution" for the cause of white supremacy. And in order to do this the GOP will "destroy America in order to save it." The Confederacy 1.0 (of Civil War 1.0) was to protect slavery as a way of life. Confederacy 2.0 was share-cropping and for-profit prisons, and forced seperation of immigrant children at our southern borders. By the way, where are those children now? Confederacy 3.0 is the GOP life-and-death struggle to restore slavery. How many people would be surprised if I pointed out Conservatives want a race war? It should be obvious by now.

Thoughts for the Day 20230112

"Anti-woke is just another way of saying white supremacy." P. Z. Myers Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the governor of Arkansas now

Thoughts for the Day 20230111

There are not enough living beings on planet Earth to create "herd immunity." Rest assured, the uber-wealthy 10% are fully immunized against COVID-19, including booster shots. Per their capitalist conservative worldview, they fully expect the remaining 90% (you and me) to die of COVID. Those of the 90% who survive will become slaves.

Thoughts for the Day 20230108

 For Conservatives, the question, What is a woman?  is a "gotcha" question. To conservatives, the correct answer is, "A woman  is a person born without a penis. I'm seeing strange arguments about slavery being practiced by non-whites, so this (somehow) hand-waves whites off the hook for importing (and then later smuggling) boatload after boatload of slaves to the Americas for the benefit of white slave-owners: "Oh, everyone was practicing slavery." Rule #1: Slavery  is evil. Rule #2: When in doubt, refer to Rule #1. The fact slavery is near-universal is one of the major failings of our civilization. The prevalence of slavery does not excuse the practice of slavery. How bizarre that conservatives emphasize individual responsibility;  unless it comes to issues of race,  whereupon it's all collective responsibility.

Thoughts for the Day 20230105

 Still catching up on old notes: This happens all the time in local politics: We need to pay town employees more to better retain experienced people. GOP: No. We need to pay LEO's more to retain them. GOP: Yes.

Thoughts for the Day 20230104

 Catching up on a backlog of my personal notes: People who own guns want their ownership to be sacrosanct, a moral imperative. Guns are just guns; they are designed only to kill. That is not a moral authority; that is terror. I have little patience with pro-gun arguments, because their logic--boiled down--is, "I have a gun, and you don't, so you lose." Pro-gun arguments are abysmally stupid and meaningless. The question Conservatives hate the most is, "Why are you doing this?" Conservative attempts to truthfully answer this question are too revealing, as conservatives know they cannot  reveal their real reasons, as they are inherently racist and exploitative.  I thank the gods I have witnessed the beginning of the end of the Republican party. The slippery moral slope begun in the Reagan administration has dumped the GOP into a pit of their own making. I weary of all these articles and essays whose thesis is, "I was a Liberal until..." As far as I am co...