Thoughts for the Day 20230129
It's amazing how all these billionaires selflessly volunteer to be the new Donald Trump/ Our nation is truly cursed to have them. By the way, do we call Elon Musk "Donald Musk," or "Elon Trump"? The dream of the GOP is to restore slavery, the "final solution" for the cause of white supremacy. And in order to do this the GOP will "destroy America in order to save it." The Confederacy 1.0 (of Civil War 1.0) was to protect slavery as a way of life. Confederacy 2.0 was share-cropping and for-profit prisons, and forced seperation of immigrant children at our southern borders. By the way, where are those children now? Confederacy 3.0 is the GOP life-and-death struggle to restore slavery. How many people would be surprised if I pointed out Conservatives want a race war? It should be obvious by now.