- "Political events of the past two years have delivered a more profound and devastating message: American democracy has been conclusively conquered by American capitalism. Government has been disabled or captured by the formidable powers of private enterprise and concentrated wealth. Self-governing rights that representative democracy conferred on citizens are now usurped by the overbearing demands of corporate and financial interests. Collectively, the corporate sector has its arms around both political parties, the financing of political careers, the production of the policy agendas and propaganda of influential think tanks, and control of most major media."
Sunday Morning @ Belcher Cemetery
Spent the morning at Belcher Cemetery. It's just a short walk up Anson Street from where I live--although it is a bit of an uphill climb. Dorothy Wirth in her book on Franklin County cemeteries states the access is through a private drive you need permission for. But Nancy Porter scoffed at that: Just walk up Anson Street until you see a big white house on the left. Just past it on the right is a wooded area that's city property, and there's a path up to the Belcher Cemetery. Willena and I spent a pleasant morning together, digital cameras in hand. I did video surveys of the site as whole and each row of headstones. Willena took many excellent still images of the stonework and the surrounding woods--and of me doing the video surveys. I was impressed with the quality of the construction of the walls and the gate, especially the foundations stones supporting the corners and the joins of the stones.
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