I hate art vandalism--especially religious bigots
A billboard outside a New Zealand showed the Mary gasping in shock at a (positive) pregnancy test.

I'm going to make it a point from now on whenever a peice of artwork is vandalized, destroyed or suppressed, I'm going to echo it here in this blog. Like, how harmful can this painting be? I thought that was the whole idea of the virgin birth: Mary tells Joseph she's pregnant; Joseph plans to "put her away" (i.e. send her back to her parents); an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him it's all good. So Joseph is cool with it. All this does it put a (humorous) modern-day spin on it. And the bastard who vandalized it with a pair of scissors is proud of what he did. Think about it: he cut-up a picture of the Virgin Mary. He should be on his knees mumbling his rosary while begging forgiveness for this desecration.
Source: Controversial Virgin Mary billboard destroyed by protester.
I'm going to make it a point from now on whenever a peice of artwork is vandalized, destroyed or suppressed, I'm going to echo it here in this blog. Like, how harmful can this painting be? I thought that was the whole idea of the virgin birth: Mary tells Joseph she's pregnant; Joseph plans to "put her away" (i.e. send her back to her parents); an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him it's all good. So Joseph is cool with it. All this does it put a (humorous) modern-day spin on it. And the bastard who vandalized it with a pair of scissors is proud of what he did. Think about it: he cut-up a picture of the Virgin Mary. He should be on his knees mumbling his rosary while begging forgiveness for this desecration.
Source: Controversial Virgin Mary billboard destroyed by protester.
A scissor-wielding protester has destroyed a controversial billboard of the Virgin Mary, just days after it went up outside a New Zealand church.
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